Legacy of Secrets 01-Cursed Secrets Read online

Page 8

  “Listen, thanks for coming with me. I know you have your trip coming up so it was nice of you to put everything off for tonight, but it just doesn’t feel right. I don’t want you to put every other night on hold for me, too,” I huffed.

  “I’m not putting anything on hold. I wanted to come with you. Not just because you shouldn’t be out here alone, but because I like spending time with you. I won’t be gone long so when I get back we’ll be able to do this regularly. Should we make our way back?” he motioned toward my house.

  We were both silent, but it wasn’t uncomfortable. I was strangely calm around him. Of course unless he started talking about things that made my stomach grow warm.

  It was odd, though. I was always so hyper aware of myself around other people, but with him I didn’t really think about it. He never made me feel out of place or strange. Even with the episode at his house, he just picked up our conversation and didn’t question me much about it. It was nice.

  “Do you mind if I ask you something?” I said hesitantly.

  “Not at all, what is it?”

  “When you kissed me back, you weren’t exactly acting surprised at first. What were you thinking?”

  “I don’t really know if I was thinking. I just remember feeling. When I felt your lips, my mind pretty much went blank and I was acting before the fog cleared. It wasn’t until you pulled back that I could think again. Then I was just shocked.”

  “Oh,” I said with a smirk, “Can I ask you something else? Completely unrelated to kissing you, I promise”

  “Okay,” he chuckled.

  “Do you follow me around? You’re always popping up out of nowhere. If you are, I guess that’s okay. I just want to know.”

  He exhaled heavily, “Sometimes I do, but mostly it’s by chance. It’s not that I ever intentionally follow you. It’s more like I end up crossing your path here or there. I feel apprehensive if I don’t know where you are. Not that you have to tell me where you are, but in case you get into trouble I like to know where you are. That makes me sound like some kind of stalker doesn’t it?” he smirked.

  “A little, but I don’t mind. I know you’re looking out for me. I just hope that while you’re gone I don’t cross paths with another angry girlfriend,” I laughed and nudged his side. He threw his arm over my shoulders, ignoring the shock I was sure he felt too, and walked to the rest of the way in silence.

  We said goodbye and I tip toed up the stairs for a quick shower and a hopefully peaceful sleep. I fell onto the bed still wrapped in the towel and barely made it under the sheets before sleep claimed me. I dreamt of nothing but running all night long; the breeze in my hair, the ground under my feet, the sun on my skin. Occasionally Christian would appear beside me and I would laugh and run faster, leaving him in the dust. It was happy, carefree even. I yearned for it to be real.



  “Do you have the spell I need?” I asked Austin over the video chat.

  “I think so. I’m emailing it to you now, along with a list of items you’ll need that should also enhance the spell. I can’t guarantee it’ll work, so I’m going to send you a protection talisman overnight. It should save you from being sucked into any alternate realms that may open up. Trust me; you don’t want to do this without some type of protection. I really shouldn’t be letting you do this at all, but I can’t get away right now. The council is having some issues that require immediate attention. I wish I could trust someone else to help you, I’m sorry.”

  “No worries. It’s not the first time I’ve had to try my hand at sorcery. It doesn’t hurt to try anyway; she’s unlike anyone I’ve ever met. I can’t put a finger on what she is exactly. It’s very irritating.”

  “What happens when she has an attack?”

  “I don’t know for sure, but it’s almost like she can manipulate energy or something. Everything she feels is projected outward and it’s incredibly strong. Most of the time she can push aside the feelings she wishes to hide, but others do get through. The incident at my house was strange. Energy seemed to rush to her with such an intensity it took my breath away. I’ve tried asking her where her powers stem from, but oddly enough she hasn’t a clue. She’s spent so much time hiding from herself that she hasn’t even been the slightest bit curious. It’s odd.”

  “I’ll dig around and see if there’s anything in the records about it. I can’t recall anything, but it won’t be good when the council hears. They don’t like the unknown.”

  “I know that’s what I’m afraid of. Thanks, my friend. I’ll contact you from Pennsylvania if I need anything else.”

  “Will do, Christian, and be careful. This is heavy stuff.”

  “I know. Thanks again,” I disconnected. My adrenaline was pumping with anticipation, but I couldn’t think about the trip yet. It was still several days away and I had too much to do. The tickle in my throat turned to an unbearable scorching pain. I had been living off elixir for days, double dosing when I was around Lia. I desperately needed to feed.

  I left quickly, not feeling up for the chase. I wanted to get it over with and get back. Most other vampires loved the hunt, I despised it. I got lucky when I spotted a woman, likely a prostitute, taking a break in an alley. She didn’t see me and I was glad; the less talking the better. I caught her from behind and gave her no time to scream as I dug my teeth into her jugular. It was over quickly. I sat her gently against the building, dropping a few hundred in her lap and took off.

  I took a detour to Lia’s house and peeked through her window. She was wrapped in a towel on top of her blankets. She smiled as she slept. I remembered the story of her dream and was glad she was free of the vision, if only for one night. The towel she wore shifted, exposing her naked body. Desire shook me to the core. Before losing what remained of my self control, I tore my eyes away and headed home.

  I showered quickly and went to my office. I searched the records in Pennsylvania for the house that the murders took place. With any luck I could get in when the owners weren’t home and complete my task. Seeing into the past would be tricky, but I also hoped it would be quick. To my surprise the house was still vacant, probably because people were too scared to buy the place. I snorted and printed off the listing.

  Next, was gathering the materials for the ritual. Austin was the best sorcerer I knew and the only one who supported my crazy ideas. Vampires were hard to trust because of our natural murderous tendencies, but I tried hard not to be that way. He basically risked his life each time I asked for a favor. If the council ever found out he was helping me the punishment would be unimaginable.

  I had friends in high places which kept me off the radar, no matter how crazy my antics were. I didn’t kill people and that was the only reason no one bothered me. My hope was to protect Lia from the council, since she had no idea what she was or what she could do. The council wasn’t bad, but they couldn’t risk losing control. The human government made it clear that our council could be eliminated, along with the rest of us, if humans were hunted and killed. It was a hard promise to keep, but most people didn’t risk the wrath of the council.

  Probably, the council was dealing with rogues. Stupidly, there was some of our kind that didn’t want to be kept on a leash. They would be disposed of for their crimes. That was the deal. None of us relished in killing our own, but if it’s necessary, there isn’t a thing we can do about it. Keeping our secrets and not endangering humans unnecessarily were the most important rules. Raising suspicion wasn’t looked highly upon. The problem was that if Lia’s powers grew much stronger, the council would likely find out and I wouldn’t be able to protect her. She would have to answer to them and it wouldn’t work in her favor.

  Most of the ingredients for the spell were common, nothing like ogre fingernails and basilisk fangs. I would have to go far underground to get those and the sorcerer’s black market wasn’t a nice place. The herbs and powders were sold at a local holistic store, so all that was left was to wa

  I stood in the kitchen watching the sunrise. The only thing missing was Lia. When she wasn’t with me I felt oddly ill at ease. Urges unfelt in years were now colliding violently within me, drawing me to her. I wondered if it had anything to do with her abilities. If I told her about my assumptions she would swear I was crazy. I smiled. Her brow would furrow as she bit her lip, shaking her head in disbelief. She was truly adorable.



  The days passed quickly. Word of the almost fight between me and Leslie spread even quicker, as expected. Yet, she was strangely warm toward me. I was surprised when she asked to stay for the weekend, asking if we could start over. I agreed, against my better judgment. Something about the way she looked at me made me feel guilty. I sighed as she walked away, cursing Dallas.

  Christian would pop up out of nowhere every now and again. He would take my books without asking and talk animatedly until we got to my class. Placing my books at my seat, he’d bow out gracefully with a wicked smile. People stared and whispered, but no one said a word. I just laughed and ignored them.

  I looked forward to our evening runs, although we didn’t talk much. It was different with him. I didn’t have the dream as often and it was fabulous. The days were more bearable when the nights were calm. I worried what would happen with Leslie.

  “So I have some interesting news for you,” I broke the silence as we walked.

  “What’s that?” he said with a smirk.

  “Leslie asked to come over for the weekend. She said she was sorry and wanted to get to know me,” I said hesitantly.

  “Really? And what did you say?” he stopped walking abruptly.

  “I agreed. I’ve put up with worse and she seemed sincere. I’m just sort of worried about what will happen when I have the dream again. I’m sure she’ll freak.”

  “So why don’t you just tell her about it. You never know, she might not be quite that bad. Maybe she just realized you aren’t like she thought. It’s better than not telling her and making things worse. Wouldn’t you want to know beforehand?”

  “I think I would, but I’m not quite as judgmental as others. It just seems weird that she’s trying to be friends with me now, doesn’t it?”

  “Not really. Dallas is in jail; she’s had time to cool off and must’ve realized she was wrong. Not to mention he was probably abusive to her in some way that she didn’t want to admit before. They probably had a fight the night I caught him with you. Either way I can understand her side. She just wants to know what happened and get some closure and you’re the only other person who knew.”

  “Wow, that actually makes sense,” I laughed.

  “I don’t usually make sense?” he smiled that damn crooked smile.

  “Not really. Sometimes I think I should carry a dictionary to decipher the riddles. For someone not much older than me you definitely have an extensive vocabulary. It must be all of those first additions you read,” I giggled.

  “Oh so you would rather me talk like all the other mindless idiots called men? I’m not sure I could pull it off and still look this cool,” he said as he ruffled my hair.

  “Hey! I might be shorter than you, but I’m not five. Jeesh. And who said you looked cool now, huh? Oh that’s right. I forgot you have so many women falling at your heels. I suppose after you leave you’re gonna get your kicks with one of the other damsels in distress right?” I laughed, jogging ahead of him.

  “That hurts! You do realize that men have sensitive egos, don’t you? Who’s to say I’m not just biding my time with you? For the record, I don’t think you’re a damsel in distress. That would require for you to be helpless and ladylike,” he sauntered after me, scooping me up and jogging to the house.

  We both laughed. I struggled for him to put me down. I couldn’t control myself for long and he was pushing the boundaries. It wasn’t safe for my face to be that close to his and it infuriated me that he seemed completely oblivious.

  “So listen, did you maybe want to come in tonight? Have a beer with me and maybe watch a movie as a farewell?” I asked nervously.

  “I’d like that. Would it be okay if I went home first to change? I don’t want to reek of sweat and dirt and ruin your furniture,” he said uncomfortably. My smile faded.

  “Oh, well if you don’t want to that’s okay. I just thought it would be nice to do something kind of mindless before you have to deal with traveling and what not. If you have better things to do I understand,” I looked down at my feet and tried to stop the sting of rejection from leaking through. He cupped my chin in his hand, forcing me look at him.

  “Lia, sweetie, I’m not saying no. I just want to be presentable in case I have to meet your grandparents. I told you I want to and I meant it. Did you want me to bring anything?”

  “Popcorn I guess. If you have any,” I said breathlessly. His hand on my chin was sending crackles of electricity through my body. I anchored myself to the back door trying not jump him.

  “Sure, I’ll bring some popcorn. Pick out something funny. Let’s just forget about everything else tonight, hmm? I’ll text you when I’m back so you can open the door for me,” he brushed my cheek with his thumb and turned to run home.

  I took a few deep breaths and went inside. My head was buzzing and I was way too excited. Just friends danced through my mind repeatedly. I was kidding myself if I didn’t admit how much more I wanted.

  Frantically, I showered, changed, cleaned, changed again, cleaned some more, and drove myself crazy trying to pick a movie. Finally I just grabbed a few and set them out for him to choose. I started pacing, practically wearing a hole in the carpet, when my phone finally dinged.

  I’m outside. Is anyone else up?-C

  No, it’s just us. We’ll have to watch the movie in my room. The TV downstairs isn’t hooked up to a DVD player. Is that okay with you?-Lia

  Sure. See you in a sec. –C

  My heart was thundering so loud I was surprised it didn’t wake up Nana and Pops. I flew down the stairs and flung open the back door. Stopping my jaw from hitting the floor was difficult. Hot damn he was gorgeous! He had the first impression thing down for sure. My hand gripped the knob so tight my knuckles were white.

  “Are you okay?” he asked, a smile playing on his lips; those full, soft, delicious lips.

  “Uh, yes. Yes, I’m fine. I’m sorry come in, come in. I guess you just took me by surprise. I didn’t expect for you to look so…well…good,” I laughed nervously.

  “My ego likes that comment much better than the one you made earlier,” he smirked and I shoved him again. The electricity bit my hand and we both flinched.

  “Ow…must have been static,” I shut the door, “just follow me.” I was blushing so bad I was afraid my head would catch on fire.

  We walked up to my room and I quietly shut the door behind us. I stood there, watching him as he stared at me. He looked amused at my obvious nervousness and I frowned. Being alone at his house wasn’t nearly as awkward. But I had never had anyone in my bedroom, nevertheless an incredibly gorgeous guy. Yeah, I was nervous.

  “So,” I cleared my throat, “I didn’t really know what you would like so I picked out a few different movies. We’ve never watched a movie before and I don’t know what you like,” I walked to the bed and spread them out.

  “I’m really not that picky. What are my options?” he smirked.

  “Well, uh, we’ve got some classic funny movies, some stupid funny movies, or some only funny if you know what they’re referring to kind of movies,” I turned and smiled. He smiled back, too warmly.

  “Let’s just do something stupid funny. If it makes me feel dumber it’s a plus, considering I apparently talk in riddles,” he joked and I shook my head.

  “Alright, well the TV is in the side room. It’s a bit small, but the couch is comfortable enough. I’ve got a microwave and a fridge with some drinks. It’s kind of like my girl cave,” I sighed at my lame joke sliding the doors open.

p; My room wasn’t incredibly large, but I was gifted with my own bathroom and the “girl cave”. I had set up the den like room with a big fluffy couch, mini fridge, a dorm size microwave, a few gaming systems, a projection TV, and a DVD player. It had great surround sound and extra insulation so I wouldn’t wake the neighborhood watching action flicks. I spent a lot of time making the perfect getaway, but sadly I didn’t use it often. Well, except for the fridge.

  “Very nice. I may have to get myself a cave like this. I could spend way too much time in here,” he looked at the various movies and games sprawled over the entertainment center and I beamed.

  “Well I guess I’ll make the popcorn. Did you want a drink? I don’t have any wine or champagne, but I have beer, soda, and liquor” I laughed.

  “Beer is fine. Where’s the TV?” he looked around.

  I laughed and remoted the projection screen down. He watched, eyebrows raised, peeking at me curiously. I shrugged and turned to make the popcorn. My hands were no longer shaking, but I was still on edge. The space was too small and we had to sit too close. I wouldn’t be able to hold off for long. I sighed, grabbing the beer.

  “Well I definitely didn’t expect this,” he settled into the couch.

  “Oh? And what did you expect? Walls painted black, furniture broken, and endless bottles of alcohol strewn about?” I fidgeted.

  “No, maybe a bit messier with pictures of me all around the room,” he teased. I threw a handful of popcorn at him.

  “Very funny, maybe you should try to take pointers from the movie?” I sat on the opposite end of the couch, placing the bowl between us.

  He smiled eating the kernels from his shirt. I smirked and pressed play, dimming the lights with the remote. He chuckled and mumbled something that sounded like show off, but I didn’t push it. I focused as much of my attention as possible on the TV. If I focused too much on how dark the room was or how close we were sitting, I would do something I’d regret.