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Legacy of Secrets 01-Cursed Secrets Page 9
Legacy of Secrets 01-Cursed Secrets Read online
Page 9
“Do you mind if I take off my shoes and this button down? I expected to be meeting the folks,” he shrugged.
“No, not at all. Make yourself comfortable,” my heart beat erratically.
“Good, these clothes aren’t exactly comfortable. You’d think they would be for the price,” he smiled unbuttoning the black and gray striped shirt. I swallowed hard.
“I don’t own anything even close to designer. Not that I couldn’t, I just never wanted to. I prefer making my own style I think,” I stammered.
“It suits you. I find it more fitting if the clothes I wear make me look more important than I really am. I never know if I’m going to run into someone important,” he stripped off the shirt and bent to untie his boots. The black ribbed tank underneath hugged his muscles tightly. I licked my lips.
The temperature in the room rose about ten degrees and beads of sweat formed on the small of my back. I felt self conscious in my clothes; a pair of dark stretch fit jeans, black quarter sleeved fitted shirt, with a cream colored sleeveless cardigan. He could make a paper bag look yummy.
“Are you alright? You look like you feel sick?”
“Yes, I’m fine. It’s just hot in here. Is it warm in here to you?” I jumped from the couch, throwing open the small window. I sat near it, breathing in the crisp night air.
“It’s a bit warm, but not too bad. Do I need to leave? You don’t seem like you want me here?” he asked.
“No, shit, I’m sorry. Please, just ignore me. I’m just…” I sighed, “Look, I’m having a hard time erasing that kiss from my head. I handle it really well when we’re out in the open, but if we get too close, I have to force myself to behave. I don’t want to ruin our friendship,” I plopped onto the couch and hid my face in my hands.
“Lia,” he said expectantly, I didn’t budge, “Lia, please, will you at least look at me?” I peeked through my fingers and he laughed.
“You’ve nothing to be ashamed of. I don’t want to make you uncomfortable. I will just go,” he moved to get his shirt and my heart pounded harder. I didn’t want him to go.
“Wait. Don’t go. I can behave. I’m sorry,” I touched the soft skin of his shoulder and the heat radiated from my hand. I retracted it quickly and moved back to my end of the couch.
“Come here,” he said. I looked at him like a deer in headlights.
“You’re serious? After what I just told you?”
“Just come here, stubborn thing,” he pulled me into his chest. His scent was intoxicating.
“You smell fantastic,” I breathed in deeply and slipped my hand onto his very hard stomach.
Her touch sent tingles all through my body. It felt too good to stop her. I breathed in her hair and fought back a groan. She smelled of sweet Lambrusco wine. Purely intoxicating. Her skin was red hot against my clothes. Suddenly, it didn’t seem right that she was wearing so many and found myself thinking of how I could remove them. I shook the thought away and tried to focus on the movie; failing miserably. I was aware of every breath she took, when she inhaled slowly and exhaled in a huff. I listened to her heart beating rapidly and thanked all that was holy that I wasn’t thirsty.
“Would you excuse me for just a sec?” she popped up quickly and I nodded, startled. She paused the TV and stumbled to the door, leaving it slightly ajar.
I silently, and swiftly, moved to watch her. She pawed frantically through her dresser, looking for something. After clearing out several drawers, she found whatever it was and turned. I dashed back to the couch.
A few moments later, she opened the door slowly and I gasped. She wore a very sexy, almost see through night gown. It was lace with strategically placed designs that hid the naughty parts. She’d let her hair down to cascade over her shoulders. Twirling a strand around her finger, she bit her lip. She was a demon.
“Wow,” I exhaled roughly.
“I tried to find something more appropriate, but I don’t normally have people over so this is it,” she hovered in the doorway.
“Well it’s very pretty. Do you want to finish watching the movie?” I asked, trying to keep my voice even.
“I’m not sure the movie is such a good idea. It seems my thoughts keep getting in the way. How about we just talk? That seems to be safe,” she moved slowly and sat as far from me as possible.
“I thought it was going well,” I chuckled and she glared at me, “Truthfully, why do I make you so nervous?”
“I’m not sure it’s a good idea to answer that question. I think we’re pretty clear on our roles here and it doesn’t do any good for me to keep trying to screw that up,” she shook her head, looking away.
“Please? It’s just a question. When have I ever judged you or gotten upset about something you’ve said?”
“Trust me, you don’t want to know,” she hugged herself.
“Should I leave? You don’t seem to be comfortable with me here.”
“No, it’s not anything your doing Christian. I really, really want you to stay. Honestly, I’m afraid if I explain what’s going on you won’t be as understanding as normal. Usually the things we talk about don’t directly pertain to you and me.”
“Alright then what should we talk about?” I asked harshly. She flinched., “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean that. Sometimes you’re just so stubborn it drives me insane. I honestly don’t understand why you would be afraid of telling me anything. I would tell you if you asked,” I said in a huff.
“Well then let’s play a game. Sort of like twenty questions. We both answer as honestly as we can,” she turned toward me. Her hair fell slightly into her face, making her look incredibly sexy. I stared at her for a moment, lost in her gaze.
“What? Why are you staring at me?”
“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to. Well I suppose I did, but not for it to be obvious. I’ve just never seen you look so…” I couldn’t think of the right words and her face fell.
“I know I’m not exactly glamorous,” she mumbled and I smiled wide. I lightly pushed the hair back from her face, brushing her soft cheek. My fingers tingled.
“I was going to say entrancing.”
“Oh,” I felt her tremble and she folded herself further into the cushions opposite me.
“Alright, I will play your game. You can ask the first question. However, I would like to just ask one thing.”
“We leave bad experiences out. I don’t want to cancel my trip out of fear someone might fetch you away,” I teased.
“Ok, nothing bad then,” she nodded enthusiastically.
“Ask away, princess,” I sipped gingerly at my beer.
“Have you ever been in love?”
“No,” never before I met you.
“Your turn,” she poured herself a glass of liquor.
“Have you ever been in love?”
“Nope,” she answered too quickly.
“Do you want children when you grow up?” she smiled wide.
“No. I did once, but I realized I’m not a very good role model,” her brow furrowed.
“Why don’t you want to tell me what’s going on?” I asked in my most sultry voice.
“Because I don’t want you to go away,” she gulped her drink and poured another.
“Do you ever break promises?” she challenged.
“I like to think I’m a man of my word. If it’s a promise within my capacity I won’t betray it. What makes you think I would go away?”
She sighed, “It’s not that I think you would; it’s that I don’t know how you would react. What color underwear are you wearing?” she grinned.
“Black. And yours?”
“I’m not,” she blushed and my entire body tensed.
“What did you want to be when you grew up?” she asked, looking away.
“I wanted to be a man like my father. That was also when I dreamt of having a family, but obviously that’s all changed. What was your favorite food as a child?”
/> “Peanut butter and banana sandwiches; I could eat them for breakfast lunch and dinner. I still eat them sometimes. What’s the craziest thing you’ve ever done?” she began to relax and leaned slightly toward me.
“Define crazy,” I smirked.
“You know, played chicken on the roof of a car, going on wild benders with friends, that sort of thing,” she laughed.
“I partied pretty hard when I was in Europe. I don’t remember much of it actually. I guess that whole time was pretty crazy. If you could have anything you wanted, right at this second, what would it be?”
I froze. If I told him it would be bad news. It bothered him that I refused to let him in, but it was bad enough he could feel my emotions, I couldn’t bring myself to say them out loud.
“Well I wouldn’t want to have all these weird things happening,” I said slowly, obviously holding back.
“I already knew that. You say it all the time. But I also know there’s something else you are trying so desperately not to say,” he inched closer.
“Sometimes the things that go unsaid are the same things that keep it exciting. I wouldn’t be any fun to be around if you knew all my secrets,” I whispered.
“Somehow I doubt I would ever grow tired of spending time with you. I’ve never met anyone quite like you.”
“What would you want most if you could have it?”
“That’s a dangerous question,” he sat so close the air fizzled. Everything I was trying to shield from him danced dangerously close to the surface.
“Who doesn’t like danger?” I challenged.
“Did I mention how very beautiful you look?” he smirked.
“Once or twice,” I smiled.
“Can I kiss you again?” his eyes grew dark with desire.
“Yes,” I answered breathlessly. His eyes traveled over my face as he leaned in. I closed my eyes just as the softness of his lips brushed against my own.
It began slowly at first, soft and tempting. The taste of his breath was sweet on my tongue and I leaned into him. His hand brushed my arm and sparks danced from his fingertips. It was exhilarating.
I sank deeper into desire and the temperature in the room spiked. My hands twisted in his shirt, clutching for dear life. The back of my neck tingled as his hands found my hair. I was on fire. Every place he touched ignited with an electric flame I’d never felt before. A pressure so intense was building, making it hard to think straight. I heard a groan in his throat and my stomach fluttered. Hesitantly, I pulled my lips away and searched his face. He sat back, chest heaving, looking confused.
“I can see now why you’re reluctant to touch me. It’s definitely intense. Oddly addicting. Does it feel that way to you?” he whispered.
“Yes. I find it hard to think straight when I get too close to you. It’s also inconvenient that you can feel what I feel. It makes it harder to hide it from you,” I shrugged.
“Why do you want to hide it?”
“Because you’ve made it clear that we’re just friends. I’m trying to respect that, rather unsuccessfully.”
“The first step in any relationship is being friends. Where it goes from there is history,” he grinned.
“You mean the future.”
“No, it’s history. It was written somewhere. Whether it is fate or dumb luck, if it’s meant to be it will be.”
“You don’t strike me as someone who believes in things like that. You’re all Carpe diem,” I teased.
“I control what I can. Some things I would rather sit back and watch unfold,” I took a rather large gulp from my glass. He laughed.
“Can I explain something to you? It will touch a little on the bad, but I promise not to ruin the moment,” I held his hand and he nodded.
“I’ve realized one of the biggest problems I’ve had is giving too much away too quickly. I assume that people have the same outlook on life as I do and that gets me into trouble. Every minute relationship I’ve had has been nothing of substance. You can have an amazing physical connection with someone and not even be on the same planet mentally or emotionally. I don’t want to make that mistake again. It is incredibly hard for me to fight my attraction to you, but I don’t want whatever relationship we have to be superficial. I care about you and I don’t want that to flourish without first knowing who you are. Does that make any sense?”
“Of course it does. I wouldn’t expect anything less. I didn’t have to ask your permission to kiss you, but if I’m nothing else, I am a gentleman. I also care about you; much more than I expected to. What do you propose we do then?” he entwined his fingers in mine, sending shivers up my arm.
“That depends. What are you feeling?”
“What am I feeling or what do I feel that you’re feeling?” he teased making me blush.
“No, what do you feel? I already know how I feel.”
“I feel drawn to you, no matter where you are. I’m also more at ease around you than I have been around anyone in a long time. I like it, but I’m worried also.”
“I don’t want you to get hurt. I’ve not had a very good track record with women. If it’s any consolation, I’ve never felt this way about anyone either.”
“What would make you think you could hurt me?” I leaned my head on his shoulder tracing circles on his arm; he twitched.
“I’m just different. There are ways I view things that many women don’t. Not to mention I have bad habits that could cause problems. I’m a very faithful person, but sometimes things are misinterpreted. I suppose getting close to someone requires sacrifices I’m not quite ready to make. Isn’t that awful?” he chuckled.
“No. It’s reasonable to think if you’re going to spend your life with someone they should understand there are some things you just can’t give up. I wouldn’t be able to give up running. That would be the one thing I couldn’t live without. Hell, I couldn’t go out for a few days and I was going through withdrawals. I say don’t sell yourself short for someone who can’t see you for who you really are. That’s what I would want anyway.”
“I’m glad you think so. Now what else are we to do?” he asked so innocently I couldn’t help but laugh.
“You really are going to make this terrible for me aren’t you?” I asked as he pulled me into his lap.
“No ma’am. I’m going to do my best to make it as enjoyable as possible,” I squeaked as he picked me up and carried me to the bed.
“Be gentle, I’m afraid I might break something if you get me too excited,” he barked out a laugh and buried his face in my hair.
“Have I ever told you that your scent reminds me of wine? Perhaps that’s why I favor it more than before,” he propped himself on one elbow.
“Have you come to favor anything else since you met me?” I beamed.
“Your lips,” he let out a seductive hiss and bent to kiss me.
My entire body turned to jelly at his touch and I lost myself in the moment. His lips on mine, his hand tangled in my hair, mine in his shirt, rolling on the down comforter in pure bliss was exactly where I wanted to be.
“Do you have to go? You couldn’t postpone your trip a few more weeks?” I yawned.
“I’m afraid not. If it were possible I would, though,” he pulled me into his chest and I sighed.
“Well you’re going to text or call while you’re gone, aren’t you? I might need a distraction from my house guest,” I shuddered.
“I will if I can. Sometimes the business keeps me busy. If you didn’t want her to come why did you agree?”
“I’m not sure really. I’ve been alone for so long sometimes I feel so detached from everything. Like the world is spinning at warp speed and I’m stuck watching it all. It would be nice to have a connection to someone. Not to mention I can’t talk about you with you, that would just be weird,” I giggled.
“Oh? And what would you say to her that you couldn’t say to me?” he challenged.
“Wouldn’t you like to know?” I bit my lip and he chuckled.
“I would, but unfortunately it’s almost dawn and I’m afraid if your grandparents catch me here it would be hard to explain.”
“That it would. Thanks for coming over,” I played with the fuzzy hair at the back of his neck, he trembled.
“It was my pleasure,” he bent to kiss me. My lips were quivering when he finally broke away.
“I do believe the pleasure really has been all mine,” I answered breathlessly.
“Perhaps, but wouldn’t you like to know?” I shoved him playfully and he laughed.
“Come on, I’ll walk you to the door,” I grabbed his hand and felt myself beginning to deflate.
“I won’t be gone long, just over the weekend. Don’t be sad, Lia.”
“I’m not sad,” I shook my head.
“That’s not what it feels like,” he tugged me closer.
“Well I’m not. I get this weird nervous feeling when you’re not around. Does that sound about right?” What I didn’t say was how all my happiness went out the door with him and I was desperately afraid I’d lose him.
“Okay, I’ll buy it. For now,” he cupped my face in his hands touching his lips to mine one last time.
“Good night, Christian. Be safe,” I breathed.
“Goodnight, Lia. And I’m always safe,” he whispered against my lips. His emerald eyes pierced mine. It wouldn’t be long; he didn’t like being away from me either.
I pushed the door shut, squealed inwardly, and raced to my room. His scent was everywhere and I drank it in. His lips were like magic. My entire body was buzzing, but all the extra energy exhausted me. I crawled under my covers, smiling, and sank into the darkness of a dreamless sleep.
My thirst was almost painful when I left. So many times she was exposed, but I didn’t want her blood. Actually I did want her blood, but for entirely different reasons. I wanted to claim her, to make it so no other man could touch her, but that wasn’t right. She deserved better than to be blood bound. Once I got back from Pennsylvania, I would claim her in every human way and leave the rest up to her. That was fair.